Monday, February 23, 2009

Jehrico trombone

Yup Ted is in this months mens health illustrating a fixie feature which is pretty good actully. My dad bought a copy and it has a training regime to get you fixie fit haha. He's in there doing a skid with a puncture in a cardigan hungover no doubt.

Shop 14 is open now i think. Its a fixed wheel shop that the fgl lot are supporting and vice versa. Its in the truman brewery just off bricklane. They got loads of bmx stuff in there too since thats the ways its all going. (EDIT!, THEY'VE GOT A BLOG NOW)
They went on a trip to germany recently and broke loads of bikes. They had a couple of yanks come over to ride and hangout.
And rode in town a while before they went off. Old

But toilet graffiti cowards will save it yeah?.

Disguise disguise Made my day.
intuitive observation . mmm is that a box of frogs i see?

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Mighty discombobulation

Many are the hours ive carelessly thrown into the wasteparperooney recepticle staring at icicles, burncoalating more effort and time wasting meticulations, gesturing at data input clerical mononouvuorse norse princesses, and the confectionary bargain bin half hour. 20 apple turnover a newleafers for 8 times the price of the one you could'nt afford or need in the first place. Snacktastic. Sort it out luv.
Godamm you flikr im bloated and full of it. There's definatley been something jeezus freaky last friday the 13th.

Rhouoomatoize a combware catologue dressdownsizing adaptaionism Anarchist.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


roof qp
new tools old job
A couple of weeks ago i got back from a tenday trip to athens with billy and joe. No hard and fast plans just an unknown hostel booked throguh hostelworld and some warmer weather expected. We got it and on our forst whole day hooked up with a local rider Nick who met up with us and kept us 3 entertained everyday. We saw and heard alot about what bmx is to them. Amazing rider built and scavenged ramp setups in wild locations.
Athens is built on the start of 3 or 4 mountain ranges so its crazy lanscape. We hooke dup with our old matey Nick Garafallos (?) (the origanal nick the greek) who drove us out to an isalnd and we rode a couple of concrete parks ate a feast of kings then drove offroad up a mountain and lit a fire in a cave on the top of the mountain and smoked it out. It was an amazing trip, big thanks to Nick for letting us stay with his folks, showing us around even though he's repairing from a horrific sounding ankle mangle.
To comfortably swim in the sea on my birthady which is in the offically most depressing month of the year was something else. Just everyday brought more and more dumbfoundingly alein experiences, its been hard to chill since i've been back. I think im chasing the next visit.
I'm sure Joe's got some pics that need to be seen and some that should be kept safe. He had a fancy new camera. Nick got a few gems too, so show me yours i've shown you mine (flickr),

manga crack in the city
lucky pup
Larisa is the best
island caost
ghetto vert carve joe
gherro bowl corner
The pro bro's are probably all seeing Larisa right now